Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Spring Care - Part 1

Part 1

September is one of my favourite months, because I know that spring has sprung which means my beloved summer is right around the corner!
Due to the popularity of my 'Autmun Care Segment' I decided to dedicate one to the best time of the year.. spring
Part 1 features the brilliant Tasha Saha from Miöja and the great CEO of Indie Lee Co herself, Indie Lee.
I hope you enjoy xXx
Tasha from Miöja
Spring-time…apple blossom, greening grass, baby animals! The world is on the move again and so it is within, as our bodies wake from the winter and begin to bloom. As the weather warms, this internal thaw can result in flu and colds, skin rashes and blemishes, congested sinuses and headaches. Inconvenient as they are, these are all signs that your body is beginning to throw off the fluids and toxins accumulated over a long winter: a healthy, positive process. This year, support your body’s innate wisdom and move in tune with nature by following these simple tips for a graceful shift into Spring.
spring clean- Spring is the natural time for undertaking a seasonal cleanse. Give your body the boost it needs by cutting out animal products, processed foods, sugar, alcohol and coffee for a week or longer to allow it to catch up on Winter’s cleansing backlog. Supplementing your morning juice with a teaspoon each of bentonite clay and psyllium husk will cleanse stagnant energy and matter from the digestive tract and often makes a vast contribution to looking and feeling more vibrant and alive. Twisting yoga asana assist the colon, liver and kidneys with elimination.
spring greens- Put aside the heavy, rich comfort foods and eat for life by incorporating more fresh greens into your diet. Leafy greens, particularly the bitter or sour varieties like dandelion, chicory or sorrel help to cleanse your liver for bright eyes, bushy tail and glowing skin. Try growing your own sprouts for food full of life force that packs a protein punch. More raw foods in your diet mean that your skin and your body’s other systems stay hydrated and happy, too.
spring skin- use skincare products with lighter, natural formulations to allow your skin’s elimination processes to function to their full. Moisturisers that include petrochemicals such as petrolatum, paraffin wax or mineral oil, can block pores and prevent toxins from being released, resulting in blemishes and blackheads. Try products that include detoxifying plant extracts to assist the process instead. Miöja’s Grapefruit and Fennel Intensive Therapy helps to draw excess fluids and toxins from your skin with a detox-specific blend of organic plant and essential oils.
click here for more info

spring blossom- use the energy and vitality of the season to initiate positive habits or start new projects. Let the kinder weather encourage you to get outdoors and get active, and love the world while you’re at it. Where Winter’s slow energies encourage us to nestle down and retreat, Spring brings fresh winds and vast potential- breathe in deep!

Thanks Tasha for that great information!

Indie Lee
Hey Everyone,

The changing seasons have been putting my body to the test this year. Hot to cold and back again really messes with my skin and body’s pH levels. As nature tries to find the right balance of temperature your skin can be as sensitive as ever before. No need to worry, I have an easy cure to leave your skin relaxed and reduce the irritation it may have suffered.
Two words: Calendula and oil. Calendula oil is derived from the calendula flower. The flower, which is edible, yum, begins to bloom and become pronounced each June. Beyond being beautiful and natural the plant oil provides immense relief to a multitude of ailments.
Did winter leave you with dry and chapped skin? Calendula acts as a natural moisturizer, soothing cracked areas and aiding the body’s natural healing process.
As an anti-inflammatory, calendula oil can greatly soothe inflamed and swollen tissue. This property allowed the oil to help with dry skin and eczema. For young children and newborns, soft skin means increased sensitivity in the first few years. Calendula oil works to balance the sensitivity of a toddler’s diaper rash by reducing the pain and irritation.
Since spring is here and summer right around the corner, all the little bugs and mites will be biting at your extremities. There is no better way to combat their nuisance with calendula oil. It prevents infections from the bites, helps heal cuts faster and soothes burners quicker.
Last, but not least, calendula works with the body’s natural chemicals to help raise collagen levels, making those scars less pronounced.
Because of calendula’s unique and helpful properties I use it in my Eye Balm, Baby Balm, and my new Body Lotion. I encourage you to all check them out!

Spring is in the air and as summer fast approaches, we start to show some skin. Here are three simple recipes that’ll keep your skin looking great and feeling refreshed. The recipes, made in minutes, are all natural and simple for someone on-the-go.
Tangerine face cream helps keep your face moisturized and smooth.
  • 3 tablespoons of raw mango butter
  • 3 tablespoons of sour cream
  • 1 tangerine’s worth of juice
  • 1 capsule of vitamin E oil
Mix the mango butter, sour cream, and vitamin E oil in a blender, then puree. While pureeing, mix the tangerine juice in. Enjoy!
This paste helps clear up acne and leaves your skin looking and feeling great.
  • Honey
  • Grated Apples
Mix the honey with grated apples until a paste is formed. Apply and leave on for 15-20 minutes to allow time to dry. Rinse with warm water. This can be done 2 to 3 times a week.
This scrub helps exfoliate your skin and leaves it smelling great!
  • 1 cup packed brown sugar
  • ½ cup virgin coconut oil
  • ½ teaspoon vanilla extract
Find a jar or container and put the brown sugar in. Add the coconut oil and stir it thoroughly. Then, add in the vanilla extract. Mix well. Remember to be gentle, no one wants over exfoliated skin! This should be done about once a week.
xoxo Indie
Thanks so much for this information Indie and the easy DIY beauty treatments we can all try at home!

For more info on Mioja and Indie Lee - click on the following links:
I really hope you all enjoyed Part 1 of my 'Spring Care Segment' ~ let me know your thoughts?
The Glam Green Girl

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