Wednesday 30 January 2013

Cape Town Lights Up for The Rhinos

Light up, Light up

Last night beautiful Table Mountain in Cape Town had a special lights display of an image of a Rhino to create awareness of the 32 rhinos killed this month as well as the horrific number of rhinos killed in 2012, 668 to be exact!

The display was Table Mountain National Parks pledge to help protect the rhinos,
 "All nations, all the people of South Africa must work together to save the majestic large rhino; if we don't - what chance is there to save the smaller species from extinction? By the gesture of the projected image, we all pledge our support to all those who are battling this scourge against our beautiful natural assets," they said in a statement. Link from News24

Along with the Hawks anti-poaching helpline number 071 348 8630 , the image was up for an hour.

Thank you so those that were involved - I feel its a great way to remind people of the terrible slaughter that is happening to these beautiful animals and to motivate us all to do our part in saving the rhino!

What are your thoughts?

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1 comment:

  1. My thoughts:

    It costs over R5000 to light up Table Mountain - Just the electricity charge, that doesn't count the equipment, time and resources needed for that display.

    I am in principle against lighting up the mountain in any case, because of the ridiculous amount of electricity that is wasted when it is lit up.

    I realise that it was done as a display of "solidarity" with the reserves affected by poaching, but don't you think the money would have been better spent actually going to the anti poaching services, actually funding the people that are trying to stop the poaching (in Limpopo and up north BTW, and not to a gimmick in Cape Town? What good is putting up the rhino hotline poaching number in an area that is not likely to receive any calls :(

    The greenie in me went a bit mad last night.



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