Thursday, 26 June 2014

ZAMBIA: June 2014

Long Weekend in Zambia
June 2014

Hi friends!

In the middle of June there was a long weekend here in South Africa so my family and I decided to plan a sneaky little trip up to our favourite spot, the Zambezi River! Although I was starting to get sick with flu, I really enjoyed the time with my family and especially my brother (he's studying medicine so I don't always get to hang out with him). Since I wasn't feeling so great I didn't fish much but rather spent some much needed time just chilling! 

Here are a few pics from our time away:

This was the sunset we managed to check out as we arrived at the lodge we stayed at

Some of the beautiful scenery 

I love just sitting and admiring the elephants from the river - they are such majestic animals for me

I've been down to this part of the river a few times (just outside the Zambian National Park) but I've never noticed this cool staircase before - love it!

I love exploring - I'm consumed by wanderlust!

Always great to take a few snap shots of the animals! Hello mr crocodile!

We had a world cup day on the boat - my dad & brother were dressed in their Argentinian gear and my mom & I were in our Dutch outfits 
ps: I'v been loving the soccer! How about you?

Love always, The Glam Green Girl xXx

Thanks for leaving a comment. It's always great to hear from you. ♥


  1. What an absolutely gorgeous place! I must go there one day :)

  2. Looks like you had a lovely time and I love your Holland outfit!:)

    1. Thanks so much friend! Haha yay hup Holland! Hope you're having a great time in Russia <3

  3. I always love reading about your Zambia trips! Take me withhhhh! :)


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