Thursday, 2 January 2014

NOTE: 2014

Well Hello There 2014!

Hi my dear Glam and Green readers!
Happy New Year!

I'm sorry I've been so quite lately, I've been so terribly ill *boo* I had German Measles for over two weeks and it led to me being in hospital and now trying to fight off a chest infection - gosh the past few weeks have been difficult but I would just like to say a BIG thank you to everyone for all their love and concern these past two weeks - I'm so lucky to have you all in my life!

However, moving on to better things, I'm so happy that 2013 is over and I truly welcomed 2014 in with open arms. I'm always so excited for a new year but I really feel good about this year and where it's going to take me!

This year I've decided instead of the usual lose weight; give up this; give up that resolutions I'm going to try something a little more different. Don't get me wrong, I will be aiming to lose weight and work on my fitness and try to do well in all aspects of my life but instead of having 500 goals I'm going to make this the year of saying YES, the year of taking chances, the year of doing things I've never done before and taking those leaps of faith!

I know its so cliche and so 2013 but I'm going to take the motto of YOLO to heart! You really do only live once and whenever I have doubts or fears about doing something, I'm going to remind myself of what I've decided my 2014 will be like ~ YOLO!

Images: Pinterest

So that's how I'm starting my new year, how about you? What are you going to be doing that's different this year? 

Thank you so much for all your support in 2013, I so appreciate it and I can't wait to grow with you this year! Here's to an amazing year for us all!

Thanks for leaving a comment. It's always great to hear from you. ♥

1 comment:

  1. Here's to 2014 being a great year!
    I hope that you're back to healthy and happy soon! I had german measles at the beginning of last year and it sucked SO majorly :/


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