Tuesday, 5 January 2016

[LIFE]: Hello 2016

Ringing In The New Year With Positive Vibes

Well hello there 2016, you beautiful thing! 

A few weeks ago, my group of girlfriends and I went through our "highs and lows" of 2015. It saddens me to say that unfortunately my list of lows was longer than my list of highs. While I was still blessed in many aspects of my life, it was a difficult year that brought many changes.

However, with change, comes growth and that is my intention for this year - growth.

Some New Years resolutions are just unattainable like "I want to lose 20kgs by February", no no. This year of growth means doing what is best for myself and while that includes looking after my health, I would like to focus on how to become the best I can be.

I love writing lists, so these lists are now going to include daily goals. I want to read more, making time to read and relax is so important. I want to learn to let go and not let my anxiety and OCD tendencies get in the way of growing. Decreasing clutter and getting rid of the unnecessary has something I started last month already. 

Believing that anything is possible.


Many blessings for the year ahead to you all!

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